3 Minute Tips / Sentry Shorts

Training Your Staff To Upsell

Posted by Robert Romarino

Jun 25, 2019 10:10:19 AM


This month's 3 Minute Tip is full of helpful advice on how to train your staff to upsell items in your store. Oftentimes, these subtle little changes in the way your staff asks questions and interacts with the customers can be the difference between a good year and a stellar year. 





Bottom line, upselling products can help you make more profits in your store. That's why it's important to make sure your staff is properly trained to upsell the right products in your store. Our video above will explain how you can use your staff members to maximize profits at your store. The first rule when it comes to upselling in your store is to know what the highest profit items are and consistently push those items. Make sure your staff knows about those items and have them push those items as opposed to lower-priced items. For tips 2 - 10, be sure to watch the video.



Topics: Ice Cream, Ice Cream Machine, novelty program, Ice Cream Sales, Increased Profits, Summer Ice Cream, Business Startup, Starting an Ice Cream Business, Ice Cream Shop